Before the advent of orthodox medicine, the use of herbs obtained primarily from our natural environment were the major preventive health lifelines in most African communities. Most herbs obtained from plant materials and processed crudely into powders, concoctions and food additives were used to combat health challenges prevalent at the time.
Now that modern medicine has become a thing and can be relatively accessed in most primary health care centers across the continent, most of these herbs have undergone refining (with technology) for usage and are now available as tablets, syrups and capsules. All of these are still composed of African herbs as their major active ingredients.
Madagascar Periwinkle
Whether you're facing cold and flu season or simply trying to stay healthy in general, it's crucial to keep our immune system robust. The immune system is responsible for preventing and fighting off infections, and when your immune system is strong, you're more likely to be able to ward off sicknesses.
The following herbs (predominantly found in Africa) can help booster your immune system and keep you safe from common illnesses
Aloe ferox - Bitter Aloe or Cape Aloe Aloe Ferox is native to South Africa and Lesotho and is considered to be the most common Aloe species in South Africa. It is a bitter laxative that has proven to be potent against cancer and inflammation.
The leaves contain a white aloe gel that used for stomach complaints, mainly as a laxative to purify the stomach and also a bitter tonic in various digestives. Juices from the leaves also aid in wound healing, tissue formation and skin repair.
Cape Aloe
This plant is an endemic South African specie often cultivated to produce herbal teas. Rooibos is often used as a refreshment drink or as a healthy tea beverage. Babies are usually nurtured with rooibos - either added to their milk or given as a weak brew.
It's important to note that you won't be able to rely on herbs exclusively to fight sickness. To have a strong immune system, you need to get certain vitamins, eat healthy, sleep well, and exercise. And of course, the best way to reduce your risk of illness is to wash your hands frequently and observe other normal hygienic practices.