2022-03-28 06:35


One of the attributes of an advanced society is the ability for people in that society to have access to basic healthcare at friendly costs and efficient service delivery. This is because it is only a healthy society that can be a productive one, vis-à-vis the popular maxim - "health is wealth". Africa's track record in the area of healthcare is a pointer to its level of development across all socioeconomic indices. The quality of healthcare in Africa largely reflects the state of her commitment to millions of her countrymen who look up to the government for welfare, education and security.

The healthcare industry on the continent of Africa has been mostly run on a public-private sector partnership (PSP) arrangement involving both government and non-profit organizations - local or international. While this partnership has proven to not be without its own inherent systemic challenges, the healthcare situation in Africa and some of the few advancements recorded over the years has been largely due to the efforts of both sides on the PSP framework. On the public side of the divide which involves the government, healthcare investments have been incredibly low for major interventions to take place. Budgetary allocations for health continue to take a major hit in the event of the global economic downturn. Health workers are being owed a backlog of salaries and arrears, and a large chunk of healthcare support funds from international organizations have been unaccounted for and largely mismanaged. On the private sector side, the healthcare system appears to have a life of its own. A lot of non-profit organizations have been at the forefront of providing healthcare to those who are desperately in need. Some of their social intervention campaigns are often centred around provision of healthcare services. However quality healthcare comes at a cost - a cost too heavy to bear for most of these organizations.

As a result of the prevailing economic conditions in most African communities, many have been unable to afford access to basic healthcare in places where facilities are available. However, in most other communities, healthcare facilities are obviously non-existent and so there is no opportunity for people to receive first hand treatment for their health challenges.

Going forward, governments across all levels must adequately prioritize the healthcare of her citizenry, especially that of women, children and the aged. If Africa must overturn the bleak narrative of being perpetually a quorum of third world member states where nothing works, then she must increase social spending on health, build more hospitals across all zones, and formulate policies that would ensure that it is accessible to all and sundry.

At Power of Africa we believe an improvement in the healthcare situation across Africa will represent a paradigm shift in the way and manner Africa is being projected to the rest of the world — as this is a conversation we intend to lead and we are passionately doing so with all intent and purpose.