2022-08-04 05:26


Africans are by the far most industrious individuals to ever walk the surface of the earth. To most of us here living in the motherland, creating wealth and developing the means of production available at our disposal is something that occurs to us naturally. This is why a few states and major cities on the continent have their economies largely driven by the petty trading and semi-skilled entrepreneurial strides of its informal sector.

As the needs of man remain insatiable coupled with the need to adopt modern strategies to make the most out of any business endeavour, the use of technology in business or entrepreneurship has provided a plethora of opportunities for all players in the production ecosystem to advance innovation, develop models, drive sales and maximize profit. All of this by extension has expanded the global workforce with the introduction of relevant human capital to oversee and take charge of critical aspects of a business mission.

For Africa, tech has been largely embraced by a large section of our teeming business population made up of vibrant young adults and a few middle-aged workers. Young people have adopted the use of tech tools to perform basic operations on their self-owned businesses. Some of these young persons who would eventually become gainfully employed are often armed with transferable tech skills that comes in handy for their job description and overall career growth.

The sense of fulfillment that comes with entrepreneurship is often always the lifelong ambition of most Africans. Everybody in this part of the world wants to be CEO, and most people want to own a business. However, most businesses that rely heavily on the use of tech do not make it past the ideation or planning stage for a number of obvious reasons.

Tech as a tool to be used to scale a business front and increase profit is not readily available across board, particularly for those involved in low scale manufacturing and production of non-essentials. Cost of deploying, organizing and engaging manpower to use tech in business and entrepreneurship is not budget friendly. Also, most entrepreneurs do not "create" products to sell beyond their primary subsistence needs. There is also a widening knowledge gap caused by a redundant school curriculum unfit to engender the use of tech for entrepreneurial growth.

Young people in Africa who have proven to be the largest consumers of tech variants must begin to exploit ways of staging major commercial business outlets to satisfy our local demand. With access to the internet and other relevant facilities, the mindset of business owners must start to operate on the first principle of "think global act local".

Government must organize and aggregate key sectors of the economy based on priority to invest in and provide support for business owners and entrepreneurs. With the support of the government, entrepreneurs can use tech to guarantee economic inclusion, and not just financial inclusion for most Africans.